Sunday, September 4, 2016

Wobbling our Way to Success!

Thank you, DONORS CHOOSE!  We were able to successfully raise almost $600 to purchase 6 brand new WOBBLE CHAIRS from to expand our flexible seating options in our classroom.  The kids LOVE the new wobble chairs!  Wobble chairs are the #1 choice followed closely behind by the yoga balls.

 Updates:  Many have asked me how flexible seating is going in my classroom.  We are about 3 weeks into the school year, and I am happy to report that the students LOVE flexible seating options.  Students have been responsible about choosing seats that allow them to do their first grade best.  If they do not choose wisely, I warn them, and then move them to a different area if necessary.  Some problems we have encountered: yoga balls rolling around the room (they are round, after all), too much bouncing on the yoga balls (the yoga ball table has been known to be on a "time out" on days where students forgot the expectations, clipboards are left on the rug from students working in the library or from rug and then they get stepped on when people walk around).  Students still need reminders of being responsible for our community supplies.  The expectation is that the classroom is clean before every recess/ lunch/ end of school day.  EVERY student has a job and I give them ample time to complete their job before going outside (librarian, custodian, chair monitor, supply monitor, etc.).  This has saved me tons of time not having to clean up the room.  I wipe down the tables with Lysol wipes (top secret because they are not allowed at my school!) a couple times a week to keep away the germs.  Other than that, the students keep the classroom clean and well organized!
 Class Job chart with student numbers (jobs rotate weekly).

I show up to work a bit before contract time and leave shortly after contract time.  My coworkers are amazed we get so much done and that my classroom looks so nice when I don't live at school.  I said that we work hard as a classroom community and we play hard (we LOVE 5 minutes of fun to motivate students to try their best!).  We get lots done during each day then enjoy going home to our loved ones.  5 minutes of fun is a way to reward awesome behavior.  As long as you have a high enough % of good behavior in Class Dojo, you can participate in 5 Minutes of Fun!!!  If you have struggled with making good choices, you are in a 5 minute time out (sitting at the kidney table with head on the desk while the class has a fun activity). Various 5 minutes of fun ideas: 

  • Heads Up, 7 Up
  • Snowball Fight
  • Go Noodle Dancing
  • Hot Potato
  • Silent Ball
  • Ring toss with orange cones
  • Bowling!  (I just got two mini bowling sets from Rite Aide on clearance 75% off)
  • 4 Corners

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